The Race for the Senate Majority: Toss-Up States are Slowly Shifting

Who will control the Senate in the 114th Congress is one of the most hotly debated questions in American politics. As November 4th approaches, the battlefield is slowly becoming clearer.

Every two years, approximately one-third of the United States Senate is up for election. This constantly rotating series of elections keeps the Senate responsive to American citizens, and provides an opportunity for democratic self-government to shape America’s upper chamber.

In 2014, the Senate finds itself on the pinnacle of transformation. The Democrats hold 55 seats (53 Democrats, and two Independents that currently caucus with them), a tenuous lead that the party has held onto since the lost their filibuster-proof majority in 2010. The challenge for Republicans come November is to claim at least six of those seats – and the playing field is set in their favor.

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